2.3.1. Uninstall Server Module¶ Zimbra or Postfix¶
To uninstall the application run as root the remove.sh
script from installation directory (by default /opt/msh-traffic-policy/bin/
When removing of the application ends you will see output like this:
* Checking permissions... OK
* Self extracting installer... OK
* Stopping services... OK
* Remove init scripts... OK
* Remove scripts from /etc/init.d directory... OK
* Removing application directory... OK
* Removing smtp milter from postfix main.cfg file... OK
* Reloading MTA...
* Application removed successfully.
All files and MTA configuration removed successfully. Sendmail¶
To uninstall the application run as root the remove.sh
script from installation directory (by default /opt/msh-traffic-policy/bin/
When removing of the application ends you will see output like this:
* Checking permissions... OK
* Self extracting installer... OK
* Stopping services... OK
* Remove init scripts... OK
* Remove scripts from /etc/init.d directory... OK
* Removing application directory... OK
>> Please manually remove entries for milter in /etc/mail/sendmail.mc file.
>> Default:
>> INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`MSH-Traffic-Policy', `S=inet:7074@localhost')dnl
>> define(`confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS', `MSH-Traffic-Policy')dnl
* Application removed successfully.
file modification must be done manually. Edit configuration file /etc/mail/sendmail.mc
and remove these two lines (they will be probably at the end of file):
INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`MSH-Traffic-Policy', `S=inet:7074@localhost, F=R')dnl
define(`confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS', `MSH-Traffic-Policy')dnl
Save changes, update Sendmail configuration file and restart it:
m4 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
/etc/init.d/sendmail restart